Shipping Policy

We are proud to offer competitive worldwide shipping so that our customers from all over the world will be able to reliably and quickly have the products they need to run a successful business.

Your orders are sent using  FedEx and DHL on 24H global shipping service,that will arrive in 5 - 7 business day.


Delivery Charge

Worldwide delivery charge US$24 –$34, the actual amount charged varies based on the weight of goods.


Customs, Taxes, and Other Fees

International orders may be subject to customs, taxes, and other fees. These charges are not the responsibility of YFDbeauty Inc. The customer will be liable to pay in full. It is the customers' responsibility to check the potential charges and organize payment for any Customs, Taxes, and other fees incurred prior to receiving the goods.


Expedited Shipping

YFDbeuty partners with major international shipping companies like DHL and FedEx, USA 3-5 business days; CANADA 3-7 business days; EUROPEAN 3-7 business days; AUSTRALIA 3-7 business days.

Shipping times will be affected during public holidays; manufacturers and couriers will limit their operations at these times. This is out of our control. Normal service resumes immediately after each holiday.